
About Me

An experienced software craftsman whom has been working in the software development since 2003 while he was still pursuing his bachelor degree of Informatics Engineering. He's been involved in all stages of software architectural design, software development, implementation, and integration life-cycle from different range of Industries such as e-Commerce, Logistics, FinTech, Telco, Oil and Company, etc. Having intensive technical experiences on desktop, web and mobile applications, web services, batch and stream processing, middleware/messaging, EIP (Enterprise Integration Patterns), Reactive System, Distributed System like Microservices, Data Engineering, Infrastructure Automation, and recently also being involved in the AI and Machine Learning stuffs. He loves to learn something in a hard way since he believes that he will get a deep understanding only by learning it in that way. He holds some certificates on Java (SCJP-275, i.e. before Oracle acquired Java from Sun Microsystems), and also an Enterprise Architecture certification (TOGAF 9.2). His passion is to guide any individuals and organizations to commercial success through the application of modern and bleeding edge technologies. Click here in order to find out more about his technology stacks.

Currently, he's based in Jakarta while still working remotely for some startup and enterprise companies around Middle East and Asia Pasific as an Exclusive IT Consultant and recently building his RAG engines that focusing on business workflow automation. He's also in the middle of building his own (self-funded) startup company that he named as bisnisin.asia. During his spare time, he like to train Mixed Martial Arts (Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Judo), some traditional martial arts such as Okinawa-Te (Shorin-Ryu, Goju), and Chinese Martial Arts (Wu Zu Quan / Ngo Cho Kun, Bao Quan, Tong Bei Quan, Wing Chun) for balancing his body, mind, and spirit.

46 Projects completed

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It's not about how many problems you solved, but it's all about how did you solve those problems.
~ M. Yauri M. Attamimi ~

July 2022 - Now

Founder, CEO

PT. Bisnisin Teknologi Asia
Jakarta, Indonesia


July 2022 - March 2024

Software Architect

PropertyGuru Group
Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietname, India, Poland

Work with global teams spread across different countries (Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, India, and Poland) and fully responsible on the entire architecture for all products being created and maintained by the DSS (Data Software and Solution), bundled under trademark of propertyguruforbusiness.com which is the B2B product of PropertyGuru Group Company. As the Architect for DSS, my primary objective would be to ensure that we're building the right product from business/product standpoint while also building the product correctly from the engineering standpoint. Therefore, i frequently interact with the business and product stakeholders while also involved with some hands-on engineering activities, in particular on building the necessary POC based on the design that I proposed to the team.

October 2020 - February 2022

Lead Solutions Architect

Pearl Data Direct
Dubai & Abu-Dhabi (UAE)

fully responsible in designing and leading the core architecture for Lulu Money (Lulu International Exchange) ‘s next generation platform known as YO2 which is the derivative version of YOM (the predecessor version).

August 2018 - May 2020

Part-time Instructor & Technical Consultant

G2 Academy
Jakarta, Indonesia

A Freelance instructor on various topics which mostly on the backend architecture and software development best practices for some private and government sectors. I was helping G2 to build the curriculum structure (syllabus) including the course materials for Java, Golang, and NodeJS courses since I joined G2 when I was the only backend instructor during that time. So basically I helped G2 in setting up their courses and classes.I was also trusted as an exclusive Technical Architect for some of the G2 projects.

February 2022 - June 2022

Principal Software Engineer

Lagos (Nigeria), Dubai (UAE), Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Being a Champion for Engineering excellence and Architecture at Moove which essentially hold the responsibility of guiding the teams and foster a culture of engineering and architectural excellence. My day-to-day activities were around business and technical brainstormings with all business and technical stakeholders, while also being involved within the product design and engineering hands-on (software development) activities

October 2019 - December 2020

Senior Software Engineer


Played as a `lonely-wolf` to design and develop all backend API services from scratch for one of JANIO's product namely HMS (Hub Management System). HMS provides high-performing, mobile friendly technology that easily and inexpensively enables warehouse-like execution in all nodes, no matter how small or complex the facility. Additionally, Our HMS also looks at the Inbound and Outbound process of Shipment, Cargo, and/or Package through a Central Hub Control which known as Hub Control Tower System.

January 2018 - December 2019

VP of Engineering, Technical Co-Founder

Jakarta, Indonesia

Automate.id is an AI based startup company which focuses on building an AI-platform to automate day-to-day transactions for various business domains. I was Leading the engineering team and design the Automate's AI platform, in particular for the AI Chatbot machine and the Business Workflow Automation, including custom NLPs that we built to recognize our user intents.

April 2015 - April 2019

Principal Fullstack Engineer

Independence Consultant
Jakarta, Indonesia

Worked with some prestigious clients (ABM Investama, Trakindo Group, GMF Aeroasia, Telkomsel, Petral Pertamina subsidiary group) to redesign and disentangle the legacy monolithic application into small set of independent services (a.k.a. Microservices architecture).

October 2014 - July 2015

Java Principal Engineer

Abyor International
Jakarta, Indonesia

Built various adapters and middlewares in Java for interfacing with Finance and HRMS modules in SAP which proven to increase the cost efficiency for our clients since they just need one SAP user account to connect with SAP via the application that I designed and created for them while different client user accounts, including their roles (RBAC) will be maintained directly by my Java application. In essence, my Java application is kind of abstraction layer for SAP

December 2011 - August 2012

Senior Middleware Specialist

Jakarta, Indonesia

Worked on a project named "EAI Enhancement". This particular project was being developed in order to solve some of the issued in legacy EAI such as: Thread Bottleneck, Out of Memory, etc. EAI itself is an integration framework composed of a collection of technologies and services (commonly related with SOA) that forms a middleware to enable integration of systems and applications across the enterprise.

December 2014 - November 2015

Java Principal Engineer

PT. Dunia Griya Rama Niaga
Jakarta, Indonesia

Built a marketplace platform for Interior Designer and Architect. The platform is used to liaise the Interior Designer and/or Architect with the Customers.

August 2013 - April 2015

Senior Java Engineer

Blibli (PT.Global Digital Niaga)
Jakarta, Indonesia

Responsible to maintain and develop `VENICE`, an order management system for Blibli's eCommerce platform while also mentoring team on how to work with some best practices such as TDD and clean-code.

August 2012 - August 2013

Senior Java EE Developer

Hewlett-Packard Enterprise
Cyberjaya (Malaysia), Houston Texas (US)

Worked with global teams across different countries (US, Malaysia, Singapore, China, India) as a Senior Java Developer to develop and maintain HP's e-Commerce Platform and middleware called NCIS (formerly known as VIPER). NCIS is the order management platform for HP. My responsibilities covered both backend and frontend engineering. I was also responsible to maintain some core business logic which is written as Oracle stored procedures and functions.

December 2010 - August 2012

Senior Java EE Developer


Develop and maintain CoreM2M. M2M uses a device (such as sensor or meter) to capture an event (such as temperature, inventory level, etc), which is relayed through a network (wireless, wired, or hybrid) to an application software.

October 2010 - October 2019

Java Developer

Jakarta, Indonesia

Worked as a freelance Java developer in a 1 week contract based to develop one application called “SIMPLIK” that is used as a POC to Indonesian Government project as part of the IGOS (Indonesia Go Open Source).

February 2009 - March 2010

Senior Oracle Developer

Dana Pensiun Pertamina (DPP)
Jakarta, Indonesia

Lead engineering team to develop and maintain DPP's internal application, particularly i was working on the payment and accounting services.

September 2011 - January 2012

Java EE Developer


Builded an interface application (service/daemon application) to be integrated with Facebook's XMPP Protocol and Yahoo!'s propietary protocol. The application is equipped with SMS gateway, so the main purpose of this application is to give a cross chat SMS services between facebook and yahoo users.

March 2010 - September 2010

Senior Oracle Developer

Federal International Finance (ASTRA Group Finance)
Jakarta, Indonesia

Worked with MIS department to create and maintain some business logics for accounting/finance and credit scoring. I was also working in a Data Warehouse project, particularly in the ETL process where I built a custom data pipeline with Java.

January 2007 - May 2007

Web Developer

Harrison & Gil (currently known as Christopher Guy)

Worked as a Senior Web Programmer. I created and maintained the backend system for their B2B and did some performance tuning by fixing some of their critical facing performance issues for the member algorithm system. I fixed the performance issues by applying Tree Traversal algorithm for their member (up line, down line) points.


My Skills

An Application Software always grow and change, so a design guru always thinks about how to create flexible designs that are maintainable and that can cope with change.

Compiled Languages
(Java, Kotlin, Golang, C++)


Interpreter Languages
(Python, Typescript, Javascript, PHP)


Web Services & Fullstack Development
(Spring, NestJS, NeXtJS, Laravel, FastAPI, Django)


Android/iOS Mobile Development
(ReactNative, Expo)


Data Engineering
(Airflow, Spark, KafkaConnect, CDC)


(Kafka, RabbitMQ, SNS, SQS)


Microservices Framework
(SpringBoot, Micronaut, Lumen)


Enterprise Integration Platform
(Apache Camel, Mulesoft)


Reactive Programming


Reactive Microservices


Platform & Software Architecture Design


Domain Driven Design


Threat Modelling


Cloud & Infrastructure Automation


Enterprise Resource Planning / ERP
(Odoo Functional Developer)


Machine Learning,
Prompt Engineering


Tech Radar

My Tech Radar

An Application Software always grow and change, so a design guru always thinks about how to create flexible designs that are maintainable and that can cope with change.


My Blog

Simplicity is the ultimate Sophistication
~ Leonardo da Vinci ~

0 Startups Founded
0 Projects Completed
0 Countries Visited
0 Years of Experience

I'm Available for freelancing

It's almost a truism that you never actually find a perfect answer to a problem. You just find the answer that has the least problems.
~ James Gosling ~

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+62 822 2525 1437

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